Um jovem soldado mandado ao Iraque. Acreditando servir ao país se defronta com a realidade da guerra e descobre os verdadeiros motivos que estão por detrás das aparências, ele se desilude. Da desilusão à ação. Recolhe material suficiente para denunciar os crimes de guerra. Acreditando na imparcialidade da justiça (burguesa) tenta entregar o material para a poderosa imprensa representada pelo New York Times, entre outros. Essa imprensa, que colabora com o governo em apoiar as intervenções militares do imperio americano ( e os golpes militares) recusa-se a ver ou mesmo denunciar o material denunciando os crimes de guerra. O jovem soldado entrega, então, o material para o site wikileaks, que não perde tempo e publica, causando choque mundial.
Bradley Manning, esse jovem soldado, é denunciado por um colega, preso. Fica meses sem acusação ou julgamento, sem direito a visitas ou advogados. Notícias relatam que as condições de cárcere são as piores possíveis.
O dirigente do wilileaks, Julian Assange, devido à repercussão dessas revelações, e de outras que chocaram o público mundial e vários governos, é processado por suposto estupro, mas com fortes suspeitas de que as verdadeiras motivações para o processo seja a sua atividade na web.
Julian Assange está na embaixada do Equador em Londres, pediu asilo político, sabe que se for extraditado para os EUA poderá sofrer pesadas acusações, correndo até risco de morte. Bradley Manning está , esta semana, sendo julgado como traidor pela justiça americana.
Liberdade para Bradley Manning!Não à extradição de Julian Assange!
A young soldier was sent to Iraq. Believing serve the country he is faced with the reality of war and uncovers the real reasons that lie behind the appearances, he got disappointed. Disillusion goes to action. Then he collect enough material to expose war crimes. Believing in the impartiality of justice (bourgeois) he tries to deliver the material to the powerful media represented by the New York Times, among others. This press, which collaborates with the government to support military interventions of American empire (and military coups) refuses to see or even report the material denouncing these war crimes. Then, the young soldier delivery the material to the website WikiLeaks, which waste no time and publishes it , causing global shock.
Bradley Manning, the young soldier, is denounced by a fellow, and he is arrested. He stays months without charge or trial, without lawyers or visitation rights. Some News report that prison conditions are the worst possible.
The wilileaks leader, Julian Assange, due to the impact of these revelations, and many others, shocked the public and many governments worldwide, is prosecuted for alleged rape, but strongly suspect that the true motivations for the process was your web activity .
Julian Assange got political asylum at the Embassy of Ecuador in London, he knows that if he is extradited to the U.S. he could face hefty charges, running up death risk. Bradley Manning is this week being tried as a traitor by the American justice system.
Freedom for Bradley Manning! No to extradition of Julian Assange!
A young soldier was sent to Iraq. Believing serve the country he is faced with the reality of war and uncovers the real reasons that lie behind the appearances, he got disappointed. Disillusion goes to action. Then he collect enough material to expose war crimes. Believing in the impartiality of justice (bourgeois) he tries to deliver the material to the powerful media represented by the New York Times, among others. This press, which collaborates with the government to support military interventions of American empire (and military coups) refuses to see or even report the material denouncing these war crimes. Then, the young soldier delivery the material to the website WikiLeaks, which waste no time and publishes it , causing global shock.
Bradley Manning, the young soldier, is denounced by a fellow, and he is arrested. He stays months without charge or trial, without lawyers or visitation rights. Some News report that prison conditions are the worst possible.
The wilileaks leader, Julian Assange, due to the impact of these revelations, and many others, shocked the public and many governments worldwide, is prosecuted for alleged rape, but strongly suspect that the true motivations for the process was your web activity .
Julian Assange got political asylum at the Embassy of Ecuador in London, he knows that if he is extradited to the U.S. he could face hefty charges, running up death risk. Bradley Manning is this week being tried as a traitor by the American justice system.
Freedom for Bradley Manning! No to extradition of Julian Assange!
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