sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2013


Our Opinion:
The reports of the newspaper Folha de São Paulo are biased. It is obvious that the number of participants could not reach 1 million as  the demonstrations in June. Those demonstrations in June had a strong level of democratic demands, such as "Out Corruption" and against the increase of transportation tickets, and even worse,they  were anti union and anti-parties. 
The fact that for more than 20 years there was not a general strike in this country does not help that woul have  a million people in acts of yesterday. The fact that members of the CUT are part of the federal government contributed to worsen the situation. 
But either way it was very positive to happen that day of struggle. For the new generation is the first time they participating in this kind of act. Obviously bureaucracies still have control. 
The contradiction of them is that even though the government Dilma, which is down in the polls, they had to do something because of demonstrations in June, they had to show they were able to put the people on the streets. 
There were nine Central  Unions-The most important were certainly the CUT, the Força Sindical  and Conlutas. And all they did speech not not making strong criticisms of the president Dilma. Even PSTU ( Zé Maria)made speech on democratic demands...
In São Paulo, where we were , subway workers and public transport worked normally. Then the demonstration focused on Avenida Paulista and for 4 hours. But it is not possible to analyze  Brazil yesterday only from São Paulo. The rest of Brazil, especially in Rio de Janeiro and in  the Northeast region it  was too strong, including clashes s with police. 
 In São Paulo, Paulista Avenue,  there was a salad of  groups: Union of engineers, Motorcylists Union-feminist movement-NGO fighting against the "unfair" taxes - Federation of Autonomous workers who have universitary  -left political parties and obviously we....small groups of revolutionaries.

Unions do demonstrations throughout the country, but membership is low.
SP has blocked roads, but traffic holiday, Rio, anarchists try to invade central government building

The protests organized by unions reached every state in the country, but far distant recalled the demonstrations that took to the streets last month. Besides the agenda focused on labor rights mobilizations of yesterday have not had the same popular participation - many acts were small.

The demonstrations, which were part of the "National Day of Struggle", gathered about 90 thousand people in 18 capitals, according to official estimates. At the peak, those protests convened in order to reduce bus fares mobilized more than one million.

In São Paulo, 7,000 gathered at the Paulista Avenue, which was blocked for four hours. The Folha busted "protesters" getting money  at $ 70 reais, paid for them in the act and be able to eat. Highways and avenues were closed by protesters, but the capital lived climate of holiday, with traffic below average.

Demonstrations made  timid against Dilma and its economic policy and not even in defense of the president  political reform. Traveling to Uruguay, she supported in speech the  acts, but condemned the blocking of highways.

In Rio, the scenes of violence seen in June were repeated with PMs (Military Police)  confrontation between anarchists and supporters of a group  named  "black bloc" which preaches the destruction of capitalist symbols. They tried to invade the building  of state government. Similar group protested in front of the TV Globo in São Paulo, which was tarred.

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