Do blog de Valter Pomar
1. Quantos procedimentos judiciais há contra Lula?
2. Por qual motivo há tantos procedimentos judiciais contra Lula?
Os inimigos dizem que Lula “fez por merecer”. A verdade é que, incapazes de derrotar Lula eleitoralmente, seus inimigos montaram uma farsa judicial com o objetivo de condenar e prender a maior liderança popular da história do Brasil. E quanto mais processos existirem, mais forte é a impressão de que “onde há fumaça, há fogo”.
3. Quantos procedimentos judiciais já foram totalmente concluídos?
Nenhum. O mais avançado é o referente ao apartamento no Guarujá, que já foi julgado em segunda instância. Depois vem o processo referente ao Sítio de Atibaia, cuja sentença de primeira instância saiu no dia 6 de fevereiro de 2019. Em seguida há o processo sobre o Terreno do Instituto Lula, que está para ser julgados em primeira instância.
4. Se nenhum procedimento judicial foi concluído, Lula não deveria estar solto?
Com certeza! Segundo a Constituição brasileira, Lula deveria estar respondendo em liberdade.
5. Se a Constituição diz que Lula deveria estar solto, por qual motivo ele está preso?
Lula está preso porque, por maioria de um voto (6 contra 5), o Supremo Tribunal Federal autorizou que Lula fosse preso, mesmo que ele só tenha sido condenado em segunda instância.
6. Por qual motivo o Supremo Tribunal Federal autorizou a prisão de Lula?
A maioria dos juízes do Supremo Tribunal Federal sofreu chantagem dos meios de comunicação e do Alto Comando do Exército. Foram pressionados para que votassem contra o ex-presidente Lula, para que ele continuasse preso.
7. Mas por quê Lula foi condenado em segunda instância?
Porque os desembargadores que fazem parte do 4º Tribunal Regional Federal aceitaram a sentença escrita pelo juiz de primeira instância, embora ela não trouxesse qualquer prova contra o Lula. Ele foi condenado por “atos indeterminados”!
8. Quem era o juiz de primeira instância?
Naquele momento, era o Sérgio Moro, o atual ministro da Justiça do governo Bolsonaro! Sim: o juiz que primeiro julgou e condenou Lula, o juiz que contribuiu decisivamente para tirar Lula da disputa eleitoral, este mesmo juiz aceitou ser ministro da pessoa que foi a maior beneficiada pelo julgamento: Jair Bolsonaro. Que só ganhou a eleição porque Lula foi impedido de concorrer.
9. Se Lula mora em São Paulo, por qual motivo ele foi julgado por um juiz do Paraná?
Porque foi cometida uma fraude processual.
10. Que fraude foi essa?
Moro era responsável por julgar os processos envolvendo a Petrobrás. Para fazer Lula ser julgado por Moro, o Ministério Público incluiu, em diversos procedimentos judiciais contra Lula, acusações envolvendo a Petrobrás.
11. Esse envolvimento existia ou não existia?
Não existia e nunca existiu. Quem confirma isso é o próprio Moro, que na sentença de condenação contra Lula escreveu o seguinte: “Este juízo jamais afirmou, na sentença ou em lugar algum, que os valores utilizados pela construtora nos contratos com a Petrobrás foram utilizados para pagamento de vantagem indevida para o ex-presidente”.
12. Mas se o próprio Moro reconheceu que a acusação contra Lula não envolvia a Petrobrás, então ele não deveria ter transferido o caso para outro juiz, abrindo mão de julgar Lula?
Deveria. Mas se ele fizesse isso, a condenação não existiria ou pelo menos demoraria mais para sair. E eles queriam condenar Lula rapidamente, em tempo de impedir que ele fosse candidato à Presidência da República, nas eleições de 2018.
13. Mas afinal de contas, Moro condenou Lula com base em qual acusação?
Com a acusação de que ele teria ganho um apartamento no Guarujá, em troca de favores que ele concedeu a uma empreiteira.
14. Lula ganhou esse apartamento?
Não. Lula não é proprietário de nenhum apartamento no Guarujá. Lula nunca morou no Guarujá. Lula não tem as chaves de nenhum apartamento no Guarujá. Ninguém da família de Lula é proprietário de nenhum apartamento no Guarujá.
15. Mas Moro afirmou que o apartamento foi reformado para que Lula pudesse morar nele, não foi?
Afirmou. Acontece que é mentira do Moro. Essa reforma nunca existiu. O Movimento dos Sem Teto ocupou o tal apartamento e comprovou, com fotografias, que nunca foi feita reforma alguma. A equipe de reportagem do UOL filmou o apartamento e mostrou que a história da reforma era uma farsa inventada para ferrar o Lula.
16. De quem é o apartamento, afinal?
Segundo os registros em cartório, o apartamento é da empreiteira.
17. Mas se é assim, com base em que provas Moro condenou Lula?
Com base em uma delação premiada do dono da tal empreiteira.
18. O que é uma delação premiada?
Na delação premiada, um criminoso colabora com a polícia ou com o Ministério Público. Se as revelações que ele fizer forem do interesse da força tarefa da chamada Operação Lava Jato, então o delator pode obter prêmios: grande redução de pena, usufruir parte do dinheiro que roubou etc.
19. Mas se foi utilizada como prova, então a delação do dono da empreiteira foi confirmada?
Foi confirmada por outra delação premiada. Noutras palavras: dois criminosos se juntaram para fabricar provas contra um inocente. O inocente foi condenado, o juiz virou ministro e os delatores estão livres.
20. Mas isto não deveria ter sido levado em conta no julgamento em segunda instância?
Sim, deveria. Mas os desembargadores da 8ª Turma do 4º Tribunal Regional Federal já haviam decidido que o juiz Moro tinha o direito de julgar “no limite da lei”. Ou seja, Moro podia, no caso de Lula, “interpretar” a lei. E quando chegou a vez deles, os desembargadores fizeram o mesmo. Violaram assim um princípio constitucional: o da impessoalidade.
21. Quando o caso de Lula será julgado em terceira instância?
A qualquer momento, o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) poderá julgar o recurso feito pela defesa de Lula no caso do apartamento no Guarujá.
22. Existe alguma chance de absolvição ou de revisão da pena?
Há uma maioria no STJ decidida a manter a condenação. Entretanto, pode existir alguma alteração na pena que foi aplicada pelo Tribunal Regional Federal.
23. Caso o STJ reduza a pena, Lula pode ser solto?
Em tese sim. Mas só pode ser beneficiado por progressão de pena, quem pagar as multas. E Lula foi condenado não apenas à prisão, mas também a pagar uma multa imensa. Além disso, há outros processos contra Lula que estão para ser concluídos.
24. Qual foi a acusação no caso do Sítio de Atibaia?
É parecida com a do apartamento. Lula foi acusado de ter sido beneficiário de reformas feitas num sítio. As reformas teriam sido feitas por uma empreiteira, em troca de supostos favores concedidos por Lula.
25. O sítio é de Lula?
Não, o sítio não é de Lula. Neste caso, nem mesmo Moro teve coragem para inventar isto.
26. Lula encomendou as reformas?
Não. Neste caso, pelo menos até agora, nem mesmo o delator premiado teve coragem de inventar isto.
27. Mas se o sítio não era de Lula, nem foi ele que encomendou as reformas, ele é acusado do quê?
De ter sido o beneficiário final das reformas. Ou seja: a acusação é que Lula presidiu o Brasil por 8 anos, durante seu governo uma empreiteira ganhou muito dinheiro, em troca esta empreiteira fez uma reforma num sítio que não era de Lula, mas que Lula frequentava.
28. Lula frequentava este sítio?
Sim. O sítio pertence a uma família de quem Lula é amigo desde 1978.
29. Lula também foi condenado neste processo do sítio?
Sim. No dia 6 de fevereiro de 2019, a juíza Gabriela Hardt (substituta escolhida a dedo por Sérgio Moro, agora ministro da Justiça) condenou Lula a 12 anos e 11 meses de prisão pelos crimes de corrupção passiva e lavagem de dinheiro. Neste caso usaram os mesmos procedimentos adotados no caso do apartamento no Guarujá, especialmente a delação premiada.
30. E qual é a acusação no caso do terreno do Instituto Lula?
A de que uma empreiteira teria favorecido o Instituto Lula com um terreno, em troca de favores concedidos por Lula quando ele era presidente.
31. O Instituto Lula recebeu este terreno?
Não, nunca!
32. Certo. Então, se o Instituto Lula nunca recebeu este terreno, Lula é acusado do quê?
Na real? De ter pretendido cometer um crime.
33. Você está de gozação?
Não. Quem está de gozação é o Ministério Público. Mas é uma gozação perversa, sem graça, porque tudo caminha para que Lula também seja condenado neste caso.
34. Com base em que provas?!?
Novamente, com base em delações premiadas, segundo as quais Lula pretendia cometer o crime de receber o tal terreno de uma empreiteira.
35. Então nas próximas semanas, Lula poderá ser novamente condenado?
Sim. Inclusive poderá ser condenado, em terceira instância, naquele primeiro processo, o do apartamento no Guarujá.
36.Além dos processos do Apartamento, do Sítio e do Terreno, há algum outro processo contra Lula que seja mais relevante?
Há sim. Há uma ação penal que afirma que Lula era chefe de uma “organização criminosa”, atuante entre 2002 e 2016, que tinha como objetivo controlar o governo federal para praticar seus ilícitos.
37. Que “organização criminosa” era essa?
Segundo a tal ação penal, a organização criminosa chefiada por Lula chama-se Partido dos Trabalhadores, o PT. Portanto, segundo a força tarefa da Operação Lava Jato, o PT não é um partido, mas uma “orcrim”. O objetivo desta ação penal é muito clara: não apenas condenar Lula, mas condenar também o PT. E se o PT for condenado, eles pretendem cassar a legenda do Partido.
38. É por esses motivos que muita gente afirma que Lula é inocente?
Sim. Quem tiver a paciência de ler as milhares de páginas dos processos, especialmente a sentença de Sérgio Moro no primeiro processo, vai se dar conta de não existem provas para condenar Lula. E na ausência de provas, ninguém pode ser condenado. Como diz o ditado: todo mundo é inocente, até prova em contrário. E no caso de Lula, a prova em contrário não apareceu. Nem vai aparecer. É por isso que juristas renomados do mundo todo, e até a Comissão de Direitos Humanos da ONU, já protestaram contra a maneira como estão sendo conduzidos esses processos contra Lula.
39. De onde você tira tanta certeza de que não vai aparecer prova alguma?
Simples: Lula é investigado desde 1980. Nunca apareceu nenhuma prova de que ele tivesse cometido nenhum crime. Já contra seus adversários, basta investigar um pouquinho que as provas aparecem. Veja o caso da família Bolsonaro.
40. Mas mesmo que não existam provas, eu não posso achar que Lula tem “culpa no cartório”?
Qualquer um pode achar o que quiser. E se você está convencido, com provas ou sem provas, de que Lula cometeu erros gravíssimos, você tem o direito de votar contra ele e contra o partido dele, o PT. Mas sem provas ninguém pode ser condenado e preso! Esta é a diferença entre política e justiça.
41. Explique melhor esta diferença.
Na disputa política, nas eleições, eu posso acreditar que alguém é um perigo para o país. Nesse caso, eu posso votar contra este alguém. Não preciso de provas para chegar a esta conclusão. Basta convicção. Mas quando se trata de um julgamento na justiça, então não basta eu ter convicção. É preciso provar. E no caso de Lula, não existe nenhuma prova.
42. Ora, se não existe nenhuma prova e ainda assim Lula foi condenado, então quem descumpriu a lei foram os promotores e juízes?
Exatamente. Por isso é que Lula é um preso político. Ele está sendo perseguido e foi preso por motivos políticos. Como seus inimigos não conseguiram derrotar Lula politicamente, fizeram isto de outro modo: usando os caminhos do poder judiciário.
43. Mas se é assim, então ele está sendo injustiçado. Como libertar Lula?
Como Lula é um preso político, sua libertação e a anulação de sua pena dependem da luta política. No momento em que a maioria do povo estiver convencida de que a condenação foi injusta e ilegal, a pressão popular tornará impossível manter Lula preso.
44. E você acha que isto vai acontecer?
Sim, isto vai acontecer. Cedo ou tarde, a justiça e a verdade acabam vencendo. Nosso desafio é fazer com que isto aconteça rapidamente. Queremos anular a sentença e colocar Lula em liberdade, para que ele ajude o povo brasileiro na luta contra o governo de extrema direita que está destruindo nossos direitos sociais, nossas liberdades democráticas e nossa soberania nacional.
quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2019
By Valter Pomar
1. How many judicial process are there against Lula?
2. Why are there so many judicial process against Lula?
The enemies say that Lula "deserves it". The truth is that, unable to defeat Lula electorally, his enemies mounted a judicial farce in order to condemn and arrest the greatest popular leadership in Brazilian history. And the more judicial proceedings they create, the stronger is the impression that "where there is smoke, there is fire."
3. How many judicial process have been completed?
None. The most advanced process is the one referring to the apartment in Guarujá, which has already been tried in Appellate court. After that comes the case concerning the ranch in the city of Atibaia, and such sentence will be released on February 6 ,2019. Then there is another judicial process on the plot of land of the Lula Institute, which is about to be tried in the trial court.
4. If the judicial process was yet not completed, should Lula not be released from prison? Definitely. According to the Brazilian Constitution, Lula should be responding in freedom.
5. If the Constitution says that Lula should be released, for what reason is he still imprisoned?
Lula is imprisoned because, by a majority of one vote (6 against 5), the Supreme Court has authorized Lula to be arrested, even if he has only been convicted in one appellate court. The Court decided against the constitutional principle of presumption of innocence.
6. For what reason did the Supreme Court allow the arrest of Lula?
Most of the judges of the Supreme Court were blackmailed by the media and the Army's High Command. They were pushed to vote against former President Lula to keep him in jail.
7. But why was Lula condemned in the trial court?
Because the judges who are part of the Appellate court accepted the sentence written by the trial court, although it did not bring any evidence against Lula. He was convicted of "unspecified acts". Which in the Brazilian judiciary dictionary means “no concrete evidence”!
8. Who was the judge of trial court?
At that moment, it was Sergio Moro, who is the current Minister of Justice of the Bolsonaro government! Yes, the judge who first tried and convicted Lula, the judge who decisively contributed to getting Lula out of the electoral process, this same judge accepted to be minister of the candidate who was the biggest beneficiary of the trial ( and became president): Jair Bolsonaro. And Bolsonaro only won the election because Lula was prevented from running in the electoral process.
9. If Lula lives in São Paulo, for what reason was he tried by a judge in Paraná?
Because a procedural fraud was committed.
10. What fraud was that?
Moro was responsible for judging the cases involving Petrobrás. And Moro decided to centralize all cases under his jurisdiction in Curitiba, Paraná. In order to make Lula be tried by Moro, the Public Prosecutor's Office included, in several legal proceedings against Lula, accusations involving Petrobras.
11. Has this involvement existed or did not exist?
It doesn’t exist and has never existed. Who confirms this is Moro himself, who in the sentence of condemnation against Lula wrote: "This judgment has never stated, in the sentence or anywhere, that the values used by the contractor in the contracts with Petrobras were used to pay an undue advantage for the former president.”
12. But if Moro himself acknowledged that the accusation against Lula did not involve Petrobras, then he should not have transferred the case to another judge, giving up Lula's judgment?
He should. But if he did this, the condemnation would not exist or at least would have it’s decision delayed. And they wanted to condemn Lula quickly, in time to prevent him from being a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, in the 2018 elections.
13. But after all, based on which accusation did Moro condemn Lula?
With the accusation that he would have won an apartment in Guarujá, in exchange for favors he granted to a contractor.
14. Did Lula win this apartment?
No. Lula does not own any apartment in Guarujá. Lula has never lived in Guarujá. Lula does not have the keys to any apartment in Guarujá. No one in Lula's family owns any apartment in Guarujá.
15. But Moro said that the apartment was reformed so that Lula could live in it, didn’t he?
He did. It so happens that is a lie from judge Moro said. This reform never existed. The Movement of the Homeless (MTST) occupied this apartment and proved, with photographs, that a reform was never made. The UOL news crew filmed the apartment and showed that the story of the reform was faked in order to politically demoralize Lula.
16. Whose apartment is it anyway?
According to the registry office, the apartment belongs to the contractor.
17. But if so, based on what evidence did Moro condemn Lula?
Based on an plea bargain from the owner the building contractor.
18. What is a plea bargain?
In the plea bargain, a criminal collaborates with the police or the Public Prosecutor's Office. If the revelations he makes are in the interest of the task force of the so-called Operation Car Wash, then the informant can obtain benefits: large reduction of penalty, gain benefits of part of the money he stole etc.
19. But if this was used as evidence, has the contractor's owner's claim was upheld?
It was confirmed by another plea bargain. In other words: two criminals came together to produce evidence against an innocent man. The innocent has been convicted, the judge has become a minister and the whistleblowers are free.
20. But should not this have been taken into account in the trial court?
Yes, it should. But the judges of the Appellate court had already decided that Judge Moro had the right to judge "beyond the limits of the law." That is, Moro could, in Lula's case, "interpret" the law. And when, the judges of the Appellate court had to decide they did the same. They violated a constitutional principle: The principle of impartiality.
21. When will Lula's case be tried in High Court Level?
At any time, the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) may judge the appeal made by Lula's defense in the case of the apartment in Guarujá.
22. Is there any chance of acquittal or review of the sentence?
There is a majority in the STJ which has a decision to maintain the conviction. However, there may be some changes in the penalty that was applied by the Federal Regional Court.
23. If the STJ reduces the penalty, can Lula be released?
In theory, yes. But can only be benefited by progression of penalty the convicted who pays the fines. And Lula was sentenced not only to prison, but also to pay a huge fine. In addition, there are other lawsuits against Lula that are about to be concluded.
24. What was the accusation in the case of Atibaia’s ranch?
It's similar to the apartment. Lula was accused of being the beneficiary of reforms made in the ranch. The renovation would have been made by a civil contractor, in exchange for supposed favors granted by Lula.
25. Is Lula owner of the ranch?
No, the ranch is not Lula's. In this case, not even Moro had the courage to say it.
26. Has Lula ordered the reforms?
No. In this case, at least until now, not even the whistleblower had the courage to say it.
27. But if the ranch was not Lula's, nor was he the one who ordered the reforms, what is accused of?
He is accused of having been the final beneficiary of the reforms. That is: the accusation is that Lula presided over Brazil for 8 years, and during his government a civil contractor made a lot of money, in exchange this contractor did a reform in a ranch that was not Lula’s, but it was a place that he visited frequently.
28. Did Lula used to go to this place?
Yes. The ranch belongs to a family with whom Lula has been friends since 1978.
29. Was Lula also condemned in this case of the ranch?
Yes. On February 6, 2019, Judge Gabriela Hardt ( substitute judge carefully chosen by Sérgio Moro, currently Minister of Justice) sentenced Lula to 12 years and 11 months in prison for crimes of passive corruption and money laundering. In this case they used the same procedures adopted in the case of the apartment in Guarujá, especially the plea bargain.
30. And what is the accusation in the case of the plot of land of the Lula Institute?
Is the one that a contractor would have favored the Lula Institute with a plot of land, in exchange for favors granted by Lula when he was president.
31. Has Lula Institute ever received this plot of land?
No, never!
32. Right. So, if the Lula Institute has never received this plot of land, Lula is accused of what?
Believe it or not...he is accused of having intended to commit a crime.
33. Is this a joke?
No. Who is mocking is the Public Prosecutor's Office. But it is a perverse, unfunny jest, because everything is going in a direction so that Lula will also be condemned in this case.
34. Based on what evidence?!?
Again, based on plea bargains that says Lula intended to commit the crime of receiving such land from a contractor.
35. So in the next few weeks, will Lula be condemned again?
Yes. He may even be condemned, in the high court, in that first case, that of the apartment in Guarujá.
36. In addition to the Apartment, the ranch and land lawsuits, is there any other case against Lula that is more relevant?
There is. There is a lawsuit claiming that Lula was the head of a "criminal organization", supposedly active between 2002 and 2016, which aimed to control the federal government to commit their crimes.
37. What "criminal organization" was that?
According to such lawsuit, the criminal organization led by Lula is called the Workers' Party-PT. Therefore, according to the Car Wash Task force, the PT is not a party, but an "orcrim" ( Portuguese abbreviation for criminal organization). The purpose of this lawsuit is very clear: not only to condemn Lula, but also to condemn the PT. And if the PT is convicted, they intend to revoke the Party's registration.
38. Is this why so many people claim that Lula is innocent?
Yes. Those who have the patience to read the thousands of pages of these legal cases, especially the sentence of Sérgio Moro in the first case, will realize that there is not any evidence to condemn Lula. And in the absence of evidence, no one can be convicted. As the saying goes: Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. And in the case of Lula, evidences against him did not appear. And they will not even appear. That is why renowned lawyers from around the world, and even the UN Commission on Human Rights, have already protested against the way these lawsuits against Lula are being conducted.
39. Where are you so sure that no evidences will come?
Simple: Lula has been investigated since 1980. No evidence has ever appeared that he had committed any crime. However, when we look at his opponents, just a little investigation is enough to find many evidences. Just look at the late scandal involving Bolsonaro’s family.
40. But even if there is no evidence, could I not say that Lula has "some culpability"?
Anybody is free to have their own opinion. And if you are convinced, with evidences or not, that Lula has made very serious mistakes, you have the right to vote against him and his party, the PT. But without evidences no one can be convicted and imprisoned! This is the difference between politics and justice.
41. Explain this difference better.
In a political dispute, in the elections, I have the right to believe that someone represents hazards to the country. In that case, I can vote against this person. I do not need evidences to come to this conclusion. Just convictions. But when it comes to a judgment in a formal justice system, then it is not enough for me to have convictions. It is necessay to have real evidences. And in the case of Lula, there is not any evidences.
42. Now, if there is no evidence and even so Lula was convicted, then who did not comply with the law were prosecutors and judges?
Exactly. That's why Lula is a political prisoner. He is being persecuted and has been arrested for political reasons. As their enemies failed to defeat Lula politically ( in the elections), they did it in another way: using the the judiciary system.
43. But if so, then he is suffering injustice. How to free Lula?
As Lula is a political prisoner, his freedom and the annulment of his sentence depend on political struggle. When the majority of the people are convinced that Lula’s conviction was unfair and illegal, the popular pressure will make it impossible to the system for keep Lula in jail.
44. And do you think this is ever going to happen?
Yes, this is going to happen. Sooner or later, justice and truth will win. Our challenge is to make this happen quickly. We want the annulment of the sentence and guarantee Lula's freedom so that he can help the Brazilian people in the struggle against the far right government that is destroying our social rights, our democratic freedoms and our national sovereignty.
The enemies say that Lula "deserves it". The truth is that, unable to defeat Lula electorally, his enemies mounted a judicial farce in order to condemn and arrest the greatest popular leadership in Brazilian history. And the more judicial proceedings they create, the stronger is the impression that "where there is smoke, there is fire."
3. How many judicial process have been completed?
None. The most advanced process is the one referring to the apartment in Guarujá, which has already been tried in Appellate court. After that comes the case concerning the ranch in the city of Atibaia, and such sentence will be released on February 6 ,2019. Then there is another judicial process on the plot of land of the Lula Institute, which is about to be tried in the trial court.
4. If the judicial process was yet not completed, should Lula not be released from prison? Definitely. According to the Brazilian Constitution, Lula should be responding in freedom.
5. If the Constitution says that Lula should be released, for what reason is he still imprisoned?
Lula is imprisoned because, by a majority of one vote (6 against 5), the Supreme Court has authorized Lula to be arrested, even if he has only been convicted in one appellate court. The Court decided against the constitutional principle of presumption of innocence.
6. For what reason did the Supreme Court allow the arrest of Lula?
Most of the judges of the Supreme Court were blackmailed by the media and the Army's High Command. They were pushed to vote against former President Lula to keep him in jail.
7. But why was Lula condemned in the trial court?
Because the judges who are part of the Appellate court accepted the sentence written by the trial court, although it did not bring any evidence against Lula. He was convicted of "unspecified acts". Which in the Brazilian judiciary dictionary means “no concrete evidence”!
8. Who was the judge of trial court?
At that moment, it was Sergio Moro, who is the current Minister of Justice of the Bolsonaro government! Yes, the judge who first tried and convicted Lula, the judge who decisively contributed to getting Lula out of the electoral process, this same judge accepted to be minister of the candidate who was the biggest beneficiary of the trial ( and became president): Jair Bolsonaro. And Bolsonaro only won the election because Lula was prevented from running in the electoral process.
9. If Lula lives in São Paulo, for what reason was he tried by a judge in Paraná?
Because a procedural fraud was committed.
10. What fraud was that?
Moro was responsible for judging the cases involving Petrobrás. And Moro decided to centralize all cases under his jurisdiction in Curitiba, Paraná. In order to make Lula be tried by Moro, the Public Prosecutor's Office included, in several legal proceedings against Lula, accusations involving Petrobras.
11. Has this involvement existed or did not exist?
It doesn’t exist and has never existed. Who confirms this is Moro himself, who in the sentence of condemnation against Lula wrote: "This judgment has never stated, in the sentence or anywhere, that the values used by the contractor in the contracts with Petrobras were used to pay an undue advantage for the former president.”
12. But if Moro himself acknowledged that the accusation against Lula did not involve Petrobras, then he should not have transferred the case to another judge, giving up Lula's judgment?
He should. But if he did this, the condemnation would not exist or at least would have it’s decision delayed. And they wanted to condemn Lula quickly, in time to prevent him from being a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, in the 2018 elections.
13. But after all, based on which accusation did Moro condemn Lula?
With the accusation that he would have won an apartment in Guarujá, in exchange for favors he granted to a contractor.
14. Did Lula win this apartment?
No. Lula does not own any apartment in Guarujá. Lula has never lived in Guarujá. Lula does not have the keys to any apartment in Guarujá. No one in Lula's family owns any apartment in Guarujá.
15. But Moro said that the apartment was reformed so that Lula could live in it, didn’t he?
He did. It so happens that is a lie from judge Moro said. This reform never existed. The Movement of the Homeless (MTST) occupied this apartment and proved, with photographs, that a reform was never made. The UOL news crew filmed the apartment and showed that the story of the reform was faked in order to politically demoralize Lula.
16. Whose apartment is it anyway?
According to the registry office, the apartment belongs to the contractor.
17. But if so, based on what evidence did Moro condemn Lula?
Based on an plea bargain from the owner the building contractor.
18. What is a plea bargain?
In the plea bargain, a criminal collaborates with the police or the Public Prosecutor's Office. If the revelations he makes are in the interest of the task force of the so-called Operation Car Wash, then the informant can obtain benefits: large reduction of penalty, gain benefits of part of the money he stole etc.
19. But if this was used as evidence, has the contractor's owner's claim was upheld?
It was confirmed by another plea bargain. In other words: two criminals came together to produce evidence against an innocent man. The innocent has been convicted, the judge has become a minister and the whistleblowers are free.
20. But should not this have been taken into account in the trial court?
Yes, it should. But the judges of the Appellate court had already decided that Judge Moro had the right to judge "beyond the limits of the law." That is, Moro could, in Lula's case, "interpret" the law. And when, the judges of the Appellate court had to decide they did the same. They violated a constitutional principle: The principle of impartiality.
21. When will Lula's case be tried in High Court Level?
At any time, the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) may judge the appeal made by Lula's defense in the case of the apartment in Guarujá.
22. Is there any chance of acquittal or review of the sentence?
There is a majority in the STJ which has a decision to maintain the conviction. However, there may be some changes in the penalty that was applied by the Federal Regional Court.
23. If the STJ reduces the penalty, can Lula be released?
In theory, yes. But can only be benefited by progression of penalty the convicted who pays the fines. And Lula was sentenced not only to prison, but also to pay a huge fine. In addition, there are other lawsuits against Lula that are about to be concluded.
24. What was the accusation in the case of Atibaia’s ranch?
It's similar to the apartment. Lula was accused of being the beneficiary of reforms made in the ranch. The renovation would have been made by a civil contractor, in exchange for supposed favors granted by Lula.
25. Is Lula owner of the ranch?
No, the ranch is not Lula's. In this case, not even Moro had the courage to say it.
26. Has Lula ordered the reforms?
No. In this case, at least until now, not even the whistleblower had the courage to say it.
27. But if the ranch was not Lula's, nor was he the one who ordered the reforms, what is accused of?
He is accused of having been the final beneficiary of the reforms. That is: the accusation is that Lula presided over Brazil for 8 years, and during his government a civil contractor made a lot of money, in exchange this contractor did a reform in a ranch that was not Lula’s, but it was a place that he visited frequently.
28. Did Lula used to go to this place?
Yes. The ranch belongs to a family with whom Lula has been friends since 1978.
29. Was Lula also condemned in this case of the ranch?
Yes. On February 6, 2019, Judge Gabriela Hardt ( substitute judge carefully chosen by Sérgio Moro, currently Minister of Justice) sentenced Lula to 12 years and 11 months in prison for crimes of passive corruption and money laundering. In this case they used the same procedures adopted in the case of the apartment in Guarujá, especially the plea bargain.
30. And what is the accusation in the case of the plot of land of the Lula Institute?
Is the one that a contractor would have favored the Lula Institute with a plot of land, in exchange for favors granted by Lula when he was president.
31. Has Lula Institute ever received this plot of land?
No, never!
32. Right. So, if the Lula Institute has never received this plot of land, Lula is accused of what?
Believe it or not...he is accused of having intended to commit a crime.
33. Is this a joke?
No. Who is mocking is the Public Prosecutor's Office. But it is a perverse, unfunny jest, because everything is going in a direction so that Lula will also be condemned in this case.
34. Based on what evidence?!?
Again, based on plea bargains that says Lula intended to commit the crime of receiving such land from a contractor.
35. So in the next few weeks, will Lula be condemned again?
Yes. He may even be condemned, in the high court, in that first case, that of the apartment in Guarujá.
36. In addition to the Apartment, the ranch and land lawsuits, is there any other case against Lula that is more relevant?
There is. There is a lawsuit claiming that Lula was the head of a "criminal organization", supposedly active between 2002 and 2016, which aimed to control the federal government to commit their crimes.
37. What "criminal organization" was that?
According to such lawsuit, the criminal organization led by Lula is called the Workers' Party-PT. Therefore, according to the Car Wash Task force, the PT is not a party, but an "orcrim" ( Portuguese abbreviation for criminal organization). The purpose of this lawsuit is very clear: not only to condemn Lula, but also to condemn the PT. And if the PT is convicted, they intend to revoke the Party's registration.
38. Is this why so many people claim that Lula is innocent?
Yes. Those who have the patience to read the thousands of pages of these legal cases, especially the sentence of Sérgio Moro in the first case, will realize that there is not any evidence to condemn Lula. And in the absence of evidence, no one can be convicted. As the saying goes: Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. And in the case of Lula, evidences against him did not appear. And they will not even appear. That is why renowned lawyers from around the world, and even the UN Commission on Human Rights, have already protested against the way these lawsuits against Lula are being conducted.
39. Where are you so sure that no evidences will come?
Simple: Lula has been investigated since 1980. No evidence has ever appeared that he had committed any crime. However, when we look at his opponents, just a little investigation is enough to find many evidences. Just look at the late scandal involving Bolsonaro’s family.
40. But even if there is no evidence, could I not say that Lula has "some culpability"?
Anybody is free to have their own opinion. And if you are convinced, with evidences or not, that Lula has made very serious mistakes, you have the right to vote against him and his party, the PT. But without evidences no one can be convicted and imprisoned! This is the difference between politics and justice.
41. Explain this difference better.
In a political dispute, in the elections, I have the right to believe that someone represents hazards to the country. In that case, I can vote against this person. I do not need evidences to come to this conclusion. Just convictions. But when it comes to a judgment in a formal justice system, then it is not enough for me to have convictions. It is necessay to have real evidences. And in the case of Lula, there is not any evidences.
42. Now, if there is no evidence and even so Lula was convicted, then who did not comply with the law were prosecutors and judges?
Exactly. That's why Lula is a political prisoner. He is being persecuted and has been arrested for political reasons. As their enemies failed to defeat Lula politically ( in the elections), they did it in another way: using the the judiciary system.
43. But if so, then he is suffering injustice. How to free Lula?
As Lula is a political prisoner, his freedom and the annulment of his sentence depend on political struggle. When the majority of the people are convinced that Lula’s conviction was unfair and illegal, the popular pressure will make it impossible to the system for keep Lula in jail.
44. And do you think this is ever going to happen?
Yes, this is going to happen. Sooner or later, justice and truth will win. Our challenge is to make this happen quickly. We want the annulment of the sentence and guarantee Lula's freedom so that he can help the Brazilian people in the struggle against the far right government that is destroying our social rights, our democratic freedoms and our national sovereignty.
segunda-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2019

Construir a greve geral política para derrubar esses governos
Declaração da Corrente Comunista Revolucionária, 08 de fevereiro de 2019
Seção brasileira da Corrente Comunista Revolucionária Internacional-CCRI
Seção brasileira da Corrente Comunista Revolucionária Internacional-CCRI
Os servidores municipais de São Paulo decidiram em assembleia ontem, 07 de fevereiro, pela continuidade da greve que começou no primeiro dia do ano letivo de 2019, contra a reforma da previdência da prefeitura de Bruno Covas (PSDB). A assembleia contou com mais de 50.000 trabalhadores presentes.
A reforma, conhecida como Sampaprev, prevê o aumento de 11% para 14% da alíquota do cobrada dos servidores para fins de contribuição previdenciária, o que significa a diminuição em 3% do salário dos trabalhadores.
Há mais de dez anos, com exceção dos educadores, o resto dos funcionários públicos municipais recebem um aumento salarial ridículo, irrisório, de apenas 0,01 por cento e agora com a Lei 17.020/18, aprovada pela maioria conservadora da Câmara Municipal são confiscados mais 3% ( ou seja ,14%, no total) do salário dos servidores, o que equivale a 11 dias de trabalho por ano sem receber. Acrescente-se a isso o desconto de Imposto de Renda e muito provavelmente alguns funcionário terão um desconto de quase metade dos seus salários configurando um verdadeiro confisco salarial.
O Sindicato dos Servidores Municipais de São Paulo (Sindsep) e o Sindicato dos Profissionais em Educação no Ensino Municipal (Simpeem) e mais 30 sindicatos realizarão nova assembleia e manifestação na próxima quarta-feira (13), novamente em frente à Prefeitura. É preciso radicalizar a greve. Todos os servidores municipais devem paralisar suas atividades, ocupar os locais de trabalho, escolas, etc., sair às ruas e exigir a imediata revogação da Lei, o aumento salarial e o fim do confisco do salário, além do fim das políticas levadas pelo direitista prefeito Covas e pelo ultra reacionário presidente Bolsonaro.
O prefeito de São Paulo, da mesma forma que o golpista ex-presidente Temer e o agora ultra reacionário presidente Bolsonaro, alega ser necessário fazer a reforma da previdência para "equacionar um rombo". No entanto, assim como o presidente Bolsonaro está tentando fazer ,a solução encontrada por Covas é punir os servidores públicos e os trabalhadores em geral em vez enfrentar o debate apresentado pelos partidos de esquerda no sentido de cobrar as empresas que devem bilhões à previdência e eliminar os enormes subsídios aos grandes empresários e latifundiários.
A luta dos servidores de São Paulo se soma à necessidade da luta nacional contra a reforma da previdência de Bolsonaro, que quer acabar com a previdência pública e solidária, introduzindo o regime de capitalização individual, o qual já se provou um desastre no Chile.
* Abaixo a reforma da previdência de Bolsonaro em ãmbito federal e a de Bruno Covas em âmbito municipal
* Convocar as assembleias populares nos sindicatos, nos locais de trabalho e bairros!
* Formar uma Frente Única contra as reformas da previdência!
* Combater a Reforma Trabalhista e eliminar com a terceirização!
* Construir a greve geral política para derrubar esses governos!
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